Wednesday, October 22, 2008


moves too quickly. And it's depressing. I've had such a good life so far, and I think that's what makes it more depressing. I don't know if what is yet to come will be as beautiful as what already came. Do you know how scary it is not knowing if the best is yet to come? My eighth grade year was incredible, my freshman year was incredible, and so far this year is not nearly as good as either of those. And it scares me.

I would LOVE to be optimistic and say, "The best is always yet to come!" Unfortunately I don't know how much I believe that. I've had incredible experiences when it comes to love - both romantic and friendly. I've experienced the epitome of good when it comes to "good" people. I've experienced incredibley inspiring events spiritually, and (as lame as this is) I've had incredible success in speech. Really, I feel like I've been to the top, and it doesn't get any higher than that.

That. Scares. Me.

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