Tuesday, November 18, 2008


"Real love hurts, real love makes you totally open and vulnerable. Real love will take you far behind yourself, and therefore real love will devastate you. If love doesn't shatter you, you will not know love."

I've been super afraid of vulnerability lately. I've never been like this before - I've always been open with my emotions, never closing off, always telling people how I feel. Why this has happened, I don't know, but it's from a combination of two things: A. I feel like no one honestly cares. I feel like if I talk to people about how I feel, I'm just plaguing them with my problems. B. You always hear little quotes about being afraid to take down your walls because you fear hurt so much. I've never been like that. Ever. I've often caused hurt upon myself by staying stuck on hopeless causes. But honestly, I feel like if I opened up to any more hurt, I would just break. I feel so weak because there is so few people I trust. I hate being this way. I just wish my faith in humanity would be renewed.

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