Sunday, June 28, 2009

My posts have lost significance.

A text I just recieved from Emily:
"Well i was just htinking of how it seems like no matta how much i keep getting to know about your life, there's still like a BAJILLLIUN more things ta know and how i just can't figure out why some people dislike you and then i decided that you may or may not be the most well known person in our grade. And how i'm like WTF how did i win this friendship. Then i wonder if i Am like . . . POPULAR too?! That is all."

HI BETCH, THANKS FOR THE LOVE. In my opinion, our friendship is a win on MY part.

P.S. Note to self: must cease using smiley faces in texts. Men percieve it to be flirting. I iz not flirting. Just being friendly.


xtuckie said...

to the end... i told you. at least you listen to me :)

shit im flirting.

Anonymous said...

well that text def wasnt word vomit or anything.