Monday, June 15, 2009

Random Thoughts:

I am SO FREAKIN' SICK of Taylor Swift. Before I started working at Makutu's Island, I would have called myself a legitimate fan. But all they play at work is her music. I hear all of her songs at least twice a day and I'm seriously about ready to strangle Tay Swift herself.

My dad just bought me a West Point t-shirt online. It makes me really happy and it's really encouraging knowing how bad he wants that for me. My hopes of going to West Point have been renewed lately. I didn't think I would ever be in the physical shape to even be accepted to West Point, but all I've been doing with my days is working, summer school, and working out. I'm feelin' good, man! I just hope I don't disappoint my father if something goes wrong.

So, does anyone else out there, ANYONE, hold significance to this day like I do? There's really only one other person that should. Maybe I'm just a nostalgic freak with an excellent memory. I think it's really interesting when I look at how the last two years of my life played out. I honestly can say they were the most unpredictable two years ever. Every aspect of my life has changed. I love it and I hate it.

Emily comes home from her England excursion today. Thank the Lord Almighty.

I have been rather peaceful lately, which is strange considering my circumstances. I am learning to be happy, even when I'm alone. This is something I have wanted to accomplish since middle school.

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