Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blessings in abundance!

I would like to take this time to break out of my normally moody blog posts and inform the world of the many blessings I have in my life.

001. My pops. Father's Day made me realize how grateful I am for my dad. There are so many people around me who have fathers who are never around, don't give their children the time of day, don't care about what they're doing. My dad is so wonderful. He may be odd and strict, but he has taught me to strive for excellence. He has taught me to be the best that I can be, to raise my standards. He pushed me to do student council, he has been pushing me to consider West Point my entire life. It's incredible how much he supports my dreams, and making him proud is the best feeling of satisfaction in the world. I love you, Dad! Thank you, and you deserve the best Father's Day.

002. My incredible friends. No, really, my friends are incredible. Stefanie lives over 2000 miles away from me, but she is closer to me than any friend I've ever had. She will be the highlight of my summer and there is nothing in the world I love more than spending late nights watching movies, crying together, spending days shoppping, and reading on the Harvard campus. She truly is an extension of me and I can honest to God say I would not be who I am without her. Emily has made my year what it is, and she seriously is the friend I've needed this whole time in Arizona. She has improved my sense of humor BY A TEN FOLD (lolz what's a ten fold?), and she has shown me what true friendship is. I can't even verbalize what she has done for me and how much she means to me. She has given me such a mature friendship, and I think literally nothing can hinder our friendship. Tucker texts me just to remind me I'll always have a friend in him. And he always does it at the perfect time. He's seriously like a brother figure to me and I feel so blessed to have such a caring friend. I've never had a "brother" before, and he's so understanding. Dillon is my other half. He makes me life so much better in every aspect, I can't even express what he has done for me! He has been my only solid friend in high school, the one who hasn't changed, the one who continues to love me despite my mental insanity. I know he'll always be there for me, and I know he'll be there for me for the rest of my life. I could write NOVEL about my friends... but I will limit it to just this.

003. My sister. I don't even feel the need to expand on this topic because it is clear that I have been blessed with a best friend as a sister. We hate each other a lot of the time, but she means the most to me out of anyone I know.

004. S&D and Stu Co. Call me lame, but I feel so lucky to have TSTDC and student council!! Speech and debate is just so motivating and so inspiring, I feel so blessed to have found an activity I love so much and something I can submerge myself in. And I don't care how stressful and sometimes pointless student council is, it's such a great venting/relieving mechanism. I may or may not be controlling by nature, and stu co is such a great way to put that to use. (...right. Now I feel really lame for posting this. Don't judge me.)

005. Life experiences. I feel so lucky to have experienced everything I have in my life. Some of it has sucked, but I'm 16 and already have experienced so much of love, friendship, loss, and disappointment. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time. I've had such mental growth over the past year, and I am grateful for every single thing, sucky or not, that has happened to lead me where I am today. I feel like such a strong person. And I'm so grateful for everyone who has helped me become who I am and for everything that has happened.