Thursday, June 11, 2009


My posts have been really shallow lately. I'm sorry. I don't want to indulge on every detail in my life, because most of them are sad. The good news is that I have really great friends who always pick me up. The bad news is that one of them lives in Boston and the other one has been in England since the end of school. The good news is that Danie and I are working out hardcore tomorrow. The bad news is that my heart is always sad. The good news is that So You Think You Can Dance is incredible this season. The bad news is that your words hurt me so much, and I don't know why you would root for someone's unhappiness. The good news is that I love my job. The bad news is that I sometimes hate my job. The good news is I'm still Sammi. The bad news is that I don't know who that is anymore.

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