Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It's time I start using my blog to ramble more. I like to talk, in case you don't know this, and I just feel like talking right now. I decided today that I may or may not be obsessed with every male I work with. My supervisors, Kyle and Marcus, are two of the funniest people I know. I used to not like Marcus, but he's gotten so much cooler as we've hung out at work the last few days. There's this kid, John, who works in the cafe, and he's one of those awkward, lurking boys. AKA me in male form. Really, he is. We get along great, and he makes me food when I get really hungry. Steven...... is not really good looking or anything...... (lolz how embarrassing would it be if he found this?)....... I don't know. The people I work with make work bareable. And the best part is, I get paid to hang out with these funny, awesome, amusing, entertaining people. I work my ASS off at work, and I know I've made an impression as a hard worker, which is great. Because I AM a hard worker, and it's excellent getting recognized for that. I'm leaving for Boston in 16 days... and that's crazy! It's come up so fast! YES TO VISITING THE EAST COAST! And more importantly..... muhhh br333333zzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy! Also, this summer has been really really great so far. It's so nice being with my friends. It's so nice having a job. It's so nice doing summer schools (lulz JOKE). I really like working out. It's great. I hate waking up, but it's worth it. Literally, the only reason I'm trying to get into such good shape is for West Point. Yeah, I'd loooooove to look good in a swim suit and have a rockin' bawdy, but that means a LOT less to me than my dreams for West Point. LOLmotivation. I'm planning on buying an iTouch tomorrow. Time to treat myself. I haven't spent any money earned from work yet, and this will be a great thing to do. :) P.S. Today, I showered at Carly's. While I was getting dressed, I noticed a hicky-ish thing on my neck. But it's definitely NOT a hicky. At all. I think a vampire visited me in my sleep. It hurts. :(

1 comment:

kate said...

so which one of the boys u work with is the hickie from? let me know!

<3 kate