Friday, May 15, 2009

Been a while...

In all honesty, the only reason I ever long onto blogspot anymore is to see Dear Old Love updates. They just MOVE me! Because even though I don't relate to them anymore, I have at one point and most of them are just beautifully written. So let me share some with you before I actually start this post:

My world revolves around you, but I haven’t seen you in almost 2 years. I feel like Pluto, the quasi-planet, looking for the sun from a trillion miles away.

I write about you in my blog and pray you still can’t afford a computer due to your rampant drug use.

When we met, I wanted to save you. Now I’m the one who needs to be rescued.

I should’ve learned by now that dysfunctional plus dysfunctional does not equal normal.

I’ll always find it incredibly charming when you have strong feelings about things. Even things that aren’t me.

I know I meant more to you than you were able to tell me. I could tell by the way you looked at me. I still needed the words.

Why am I the only one of your ex-girlfriends you’re not still in love with?

My roommate saw you at the grocery store. You can buy food now?!

In case you’re wondering if any of these are about you: this one is.

You said you would love me forever. I guess forever arrived earlier for you.

You are such a weird thing to miss.

Do you think about me half as much as I Google you?

Sometimes I think we should break up so we can post pithy lines here about how great we were together.

I hate that your love had an expiration date.

I pick fights with him now, because I got so used to daily brawls with you.

You taught me my worth and then decided I wasn’t worthy enough.

I don’t regret writing all those long-ass letters to you (not even that last one).

I looked forward to past summers because of how we always found each other. I am dreading this one because you’ve found someone else.

I like to pretend I’m done with you, but every time I catch a whiff of someone chewing your strawberry gum, suddenly I’m back to when my hair is long and you loved me.

You were all my important firsts rolled into one big, curly-haired amateur footballer.

I wish it were simple enough that I could Ctrl+D you from my mind.

More collaboration, less competition. That’s all I crave.

I’ll never forget how you kissed me on the forehead in the middle of the night; or how I sobbed two days later when you broke my heart (again).

I regret that we spent our whole reationship trying to prove how much we didn’t like each other.

A. I got a job. I'm seriously so excited.
B. I'M VISITING MY BEST FRIEND AND MY FAVORITE CITY THIS SUMMER! It will be the highlight of my summer, no doubt. I am maximized as a person when we're together... so I couldn't be more excited! She is the light of my life!
C. I'm glad the school year is over. Not only am i de-stressed, but this year hasn't really been that... good. I feel like it was too fast to be substantial. Ya know?
D. 1'm 0bs3sS3d w!t TWITTER!

Aight.... peace.


Casey L. Cantor said...

wasn't that good? ouch.

Sammi said...

SCHOOL YEAR, casey cantor. you had nothing to do with my school work. :)