Friday, May 22, 2009

I have

already fallen in love with BML and I posted that last post less than five minutes ago.

"You were the first person to ever show me what love was. You made me who I am today in more ways then you’ll ever know. I know you don’t remember us, nor do you know the person that I am today. I may have learned so much about love after you left, but you were the seed that started it all.
I won’t ever tell you any of this, but I hope you’re happy.
If anyone in the world deserves to be, you do."

"I’ve considered myself to be so strong. I’ve worked to predict every outcome, every fall, every single way this could go wrong. With everything I’ve ever learned about protecting myself, you still broke through.
You’ve exposed my greatest weakness of never really healing when I’ve said I’ve healed.
You made me think perfection was reachable again, and for that I can’t ever forgive you."

"I often think about what it would be like if none of this ever happened. If we hadn’t met each other, and we continued to live our lives without ever encountering each other.
I used to wish for it, but I no longer do because that would mean I would be without the memories we made together.
They’re all I have left."

"I won’t ever forgive you because you don’t deserve to feel better.
The person I was before you broke my heart would have forgiven you, but that person is gone."

"I wasn’t good enough for you, I know that. I was in love with you, but I realized I didn’t give as much as I should have. Being in love is one thing, but being love is a higher level that you deserved.
I’ll be sorry for the rest of my life.
We’re different people now, but I’d give everything for one last chance to give you the world like you gave it to me."

"Some of us remember the moment, where it was, why it happened. Others remember the exact day it happened, what we were wearing, and exactly where we were standing.
But we all remember the moment our hearts slipped off our sleeves, and broke like glass into hundreds of unglueable pieces as it hit the ground.
At that second, love no longer was forever, and we knew we’d never think it was again."

"You’re so meant to be in my life that I think if we put our backs together and ran away from each other, at some point we’d collide whether it took hours, days, or years.
Everyday I see your smile, I can’t help but get shy like the first time I ever saw it.
It’s like falling in love all over every time, and I want to keep doing it everyday of my life."

"The best thing about us is that we know exactly how to make each other laugh, cry, frown, freak out, and most importantly smile.
I always wonder why I never met you before I did, and why we never got the chance to start earlier than we did. Then I realized I met you the exact second I was ready to truly appreciate you.
You’re the best focus of a heart at any given second of every day."

"It can happen when you’re already happy, barely happy, or even thinking that you’ll never have something so great in your life like you just had previously.
But it takes one moment to stumble into something more amazing.
It’s the one thing you underestimate the most.
Or the one person."

"You’re flawed, angry, frustrating, and stubborn. Sometimes, the most frustrating thing in the world is trying to be there for you.
But i’ve never felt more contempt with doing anything in my life than I am with that.
I look at your face, and no matter how far you go, how distant at times we get, and how we just seem to plain disagree sometimes, the truth is known to me.
I’m madly in love with you when you let me.
And that’ll always be the best feeling I know."

"There’s always that one person that makes you change yourself. That person that you hate, but will never really stop loving. It ended bad but the good memories never leave, thus they always haunt you.
You’re that better person now, but they won’t be getting any thanks.
There’s nothing more secret to your heart than that."

"You disappoint me to the point where I forget why I ever fell in love with you.
Make no mistake though, I’m never going to let you go."


Anonymous said...

oh my god. i almost cried reading these.

Anonymous said...

sammi... do you still like zane?