Monday, April 27, 2009

New Favorite DOL's

Sure I miss the kissing and the sex. But most of all, I miss being adored.

In my daydreams, you always get the hero role. I don’t know why—you were far from the hero in my real life.

I’m so misearble without you, it’s like you’re still here.

I try to get lost in my dreams. Then, maybe I’ll find you.

You like mustard on your hot dogs and can’t sleep without a fan. But other than that I still don’t know who you are.

For someone who “cares,” you’re doing a really good imitation of someone who doesn’t care.

She ruined you, then you ruined me. I hope I was the last in line, because I don’t want this mayhem instilled on anyone else.

I should have known when you avoided my camera that we’d never be picture perfect.

Too bad you didn’t come with instructions.

You don’t bring me flowers anymore. But then, you never did.

I wait for my roommates to leave so I can be alone when I think of you and play the piano.

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