Sunday, May 31, 2009


1. You are seriously the biggest bitch of a person I have ever met. You have ruined and will continue to ruin the life of someone who DOESN'T deserve it. Grow up, move on, and let the poor boy be. He deserves far more than you could ever give him.

2. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. I'm not exaggerating when I say my life would be unbearable without you. You get me through every aspect of my life - socially, at work, when I have problems, when I need to vent. You are a wonderful friend and one of the only sensible people left in my life. I will forever be indebted to you :) I love you incredibley!

3. LOL @ your life. What are you doing with it?!

4. You are the light of my life, even over 2000 miles away. Thank you for being so much to me. You are an extension of me, and you inspire me everyday! I love you and I miss you!

5. Get out of my life. You're annoying. Except I love you a lot. You're kind of my other half (the hotter, skinnier half). Thanks for listening to my life problems. Wellp... see ya.

6. 'ELLO CHAP. Come back from England because it's so hard not having you here. YOU GET ME. Wellp. I'm not going to get too emotional for this because we don't do emotions...

7. You are the single most selfless person I have ever met. I don't deserve you.

8. Fake fake fake fake fake fake fake. Fake.

9. You are beautiful in every way! I wish you could see how beautiful you really are, you are so kind and generous and motivated. It makes me so sad knowing that you don't think of yourself in that light at all and I hope you see it someday.

10. I really love you. You are the most valuable in my life. I'm so glad we've stopped being enemies, because you are my best friend. Let's keep it like this for the rest of our lives. You aren't an idiot. And you're bright. P.S. Yes this is about you.

11. I am excited to know you. :)

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