Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Strangest Thing

Just a breakdown of my thoughts at the moment.

1. Harvard:
I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS WEEKEND! Really, I'm just so excited to be in my favorite city in the whole world. I'm so excited to see my best friend. I'm so excited to be in cold weather. I'm so excited to spend the weekend with the most magical team in the state of AZ. :) Boston is the most magnificent city in the world. 

2. Stress:
The last two days were the most overwhelming days I have ever experienced. I had two major projects and a major student council fundraiser. I've had seven hours of sleep in the last two nights - three last night and four the night before. I'm a little dead right now. If you know me at all, you know that I do not function well without a good amount of sleep. I feel like I've been in a daze all day. It's horrific. Theoretically, this weekend will be a break from the stress. However, I have a trillion tests to make up when I get back. 

3. Valentine's Day:
Fuck Valentine's day. I dislike it greatly. I think it's stupid. Does anyone even know the significance of the holiday? Maybe I don't like it because I've never had a good V-day experience. I've been fairly lonely each year. Last year was at the verge of a break up, and the year before was absolutely miserable. Luckily Valentine's Day is fairly nonexistent for me because I will competing all day Saturday. I just want to ignore it all together. Or it could just go away.

4. Coldplay:
For your reading pleasures, here is the Coldplay song of the day:

"The Hardest Part"

"And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
Was the hardest part

And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start

I could feel it so down
It is sweet I could taste it in my mouth
Silver lining the clouds
Oh and I
I wish that I could work it out.

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart

And I tried to sing
But I couldn't think of anything
That was the hardest part

Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do just comes undone
And everything is torn apart."

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